The application period closed on January 17, 2024. Applications are no longer being accepted; applications already submitted are under review.

Discrimination Financial Assistance Program

Section 22007 of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) provides financial assistance for farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners who experienced discrimination by USDA in USDA’s farm lending prior to 2021.

The application period closed on January 17, 2024.

The application period for this program closed Jan. 17, 2024; applications are no longer being accepted, and those already submitted are under review. Click here to see archived website information that was shared to help with applications.

What happens next?

  • Program administrators have taken the following application processing steps:
    • Scanning and entering data from paper applications.
    • Reviewing each application to ensure it includes signatures and complete information about applicant identity, address, taxpayer ID number, and other requirements for disbursement, and seeking supplemental information if these items are missing or inconsistent.
  • Now they are determining eligibility and award score using USDA-approved guidance.
  • The program administrators will refer all their decisions on applications to USDA for endorsement. Upon approval, the program administrators will distribute the funds by check through the U.S. mail.
  • The next time you’ll hear from DFAP is when final award decisions are made – targeted for summer 2024.
  • For more information about the process, see this chart.

Recent program updates

  • DFAP awards are expected to be mailed summer 2024.
  • DFAP and estate claims: FAQ 5 explains that this program does not cover representatives of the estate of a now-deceased borrower who experienced discrimination. USDA is not changing this program rule. (July 2024)
  • Information on how a DFAP award could affect your taxes and benefits now available. (June 2024)
  • REGISTER NOW: Tax Webinar, June 24, at 1:00 p.m. Eastern. Join for information about DFAP awards and taxes.
  • IRS posts questions and answers about DFAP and taxes. (Feb. 2024)

To get information about your submitted DFAP application

  • Call the DFAP call center at 1-800-721-0970. The call center is open Monday through Friday, 8 am to 8 pm Eastern, excluding Federal holidays.
  • Email [email protected] (NOTE: This email is for inquiries only. Please do not email documents or other information.)
  • If you have an established DFAP account, your application status is available to you online. Log-in at (NOTE: If you did not apply online, you cannot get your application status online.)

Beware of scams: No fee is required to receive a payment if your DFAP application is approved.


The application period ended January 17, 2024. If your application was submitted late, it will not be reviewed, and you will not receive financial assistance.


The review process is based on USDA-approved guidance and includes two independent reviews by program administrators. This chart provides an overview of how applications are processed and reviewed once received.


Decisions will be made for all applications at the same time, several months after the close of the application period. You will be notified of the status of your application once determinations are made.


Payments for approved applications will be delivered by check through the U.S. mail shortly after decisions are made, targeted for summer 2024.

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